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We Are Bageshwar Infratech

Bageshwar Infratech Private Limited is an independent tower management company specializing in the provision of passive infrastructure to the wireless telecommunication industry, which is then shared among multiple Telecom Operators. We provide plug and play solutions to telecommunication service providers in order to enable them to extend their network coverage.

The Company engages in the ownership, management, and operation of communication towers of all types and locations including GBT, GBM and RTT etc on a "Built Own Operate basis" and specializes in providing plug and play solutions to Telecom Service Providers.

What We Do

We build connections Wireless technology connects people, devices and networks throughout the world. We help make that possible. Our multi-tenant leasing model offers communications sites that bridge the communication gap, keeping people and industries connected and in touch.

We get your signal ON AIR Bageshwar Infratech sites house cellular and microwave communication equipment. Our towers support the networks of almost all mobile service providers, helping them increase their coverage and capacity.

Our Mission And Vision

“Our Mission.

We aim to be the best in our field, driven by integrity and a desire for continuous improvement in every area-be it design, manufacturing, quality or supply and services.

“Our Vision.

To ensure a world where everyone is connected and has access to electricity.

Meet The Team

Looking for Telecom Tower
